L2ATHAN.COM is listed in the Lineage 2 ranking. Play or vote now!
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* High Five Project - Retail like * No Pay2win / No Bots / No autofarming * 100% stable server * 100% bug free. * Geodata 2022 * Rates : EXP: X3/ SP : X3/ ADENA: X2 * Quest Reward : X2 * Safe Enchant + 3 - Max Enchant: +16 * Class change per quest * Dances and chants at 2 min the rest of Buff with Retail time. * Manual skills collecting books * autolood system - Raids not included * No Mana potions for sale. * View inventory enabled * New fully improved interface and a lot of cool features of modern interfaces * DDoS protected server * We guarantee you will never lose anything, once this server reaches the end of its life we will transfer everything to a new server. * All raid boss respawns are retail * We have proxies for everyone! * Daily TvT events * Olympiads: 1st month disabled * Dualbox not allowed, 1 box at the same time and another one in Vip mode, 2 Total. * Security system prevents all modifications by customers. * Antibot system prevents Bots and all kind of automations. * Premium clan -> Will allow you to use the autobuff and the global Gatekeper with Alt + B. * VIP player player activated after you will be able to use a second account and will increase the server fees to 1.5 Rate. * Auto accounts -> From the game you will be able to register your account and recover it in case of loss. * Automatic Stream System -> Register your stream and earn Twitchcoin and exchange them for great rewards, the AFK of the stream penalizes. * Vote reward system, vote every day in Hopzone and get a pve and pvp skill that will help you to perform better during the day. * Estimated opening date 31TH March
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